*dandelion's laboratory [#b45693ea]

webページ : [[Point at infinity:http://www.atinfinity.info/]]~
blog : [[dandelion's log:http://www.atinfinity.info/blog/]]~
新Wiki : [[dandelion's laboratory:https://github.com/atinfinity/lab/wiki]]

*Menu [#y58e06f6]
-[[Android]] --- Androidアプリ開発のTips
-[[Diffused Illumination]] --- Diffused Illumination自作メモ
-[[Gainer]] -- [[Gainer:http://gainer.cc/]]で遊んでみたログ的なもの
--[[gainercxx]] -- [[Gainer:http://gainer.cc/]]をC++で扱うライブラリ
-[[OpenCV]] --- OpenCVのTips
-[[Oculus Rift DK2]]
-[[Mac]] --- MacプログラミングのTips
-[[あの楽器]] --- Innocence PV「あの楽器」作成メモ
-[[Adobe Generic Image Library]]
-[[Intel TBB]]
-[[Contact]] --- 連絡はこちらへ
-[[Links]] --- リンク集

*Contact [#k6715a30]

*告知 [#i895777a]
大学院の2つの研究室メンバー + α の手により書籍になります.&br;書店で見かけましたら,ぜひ手に取ってみてくださいませ(2007年09月下旬 発売).

※出版社サイト [[OpenCV プログラミングブック 第2版 OpenCV 1.1対応:http://book.mycom.co.jp/book/978-4-8399-3159-9/978-4-8399-3159-9.shtml]]


*dandelion's laboratory [#h1325543]
This wiki is my adversaria.

web page (in Japanese) : [[Point at infinity:http://www.atinfinity.info/]]~
blog (in Japanese) : [[dandelion's log:http://www.atinfinity.info/blog/]]~
new Wiki : [[dandelion's laboratory:https://github.com/atinfinity/lab/wiki]]

*Menu [#edefa0d8]
-Android --- Android application development's tips
-Diffused Illumination --- Diffused Illumination DIY memo
-Gainer -- [[Gainer:http://gainer.cc/]] memo
-OpenCV --- OpenCV tips
-[[Oculus Rift DK2]]
-Adobe Generic Image Library
-Intel TBB
-Links (in Japanese)

*Contact [#ddd541af]
If you are going to send an E-mail to me, please use following address.  &br;&br;

*Books [#y0472222]
OpenCV Programing book &br;
※Book's page is [[here:http://book.mycom.co.jp/book/978-4-8399-2354-9/978-4-8399-2354-9.shtml]] (in Japanese)

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